Accurate manufacturing translation is crucial in ensuring proper and safe use of manufacturing equipment. The information recorded in texts such as labels and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) is essential at each stage of the product lifecycle. This begins with research and construction and continues right through to transport, handling, use, and eventual disposal.

In this Ask Albion blog, Albion Languages’ manufacturing translation experts tackle the importance of using correct industry-specific terminology. Our specialists also discuss how to make sure product information meets regulations and standards for the target country.

What makes manufacturing translation unique?

The manufacturing industry is becoming increasingly competitive and globalised. This makes precise translations more crucial than ever. Manufacturers of exported goods face ever more demanding challenges to ensure manuals, drawings and reports can be accessed in multiple languages.

As the lead times for manufacturing processes are shortened and industries such as fast fashion demand faster production lines, the need for quickly produced, accurate translations increases. The addition of innovative new equipment and processes means new concepts, terms and information are continually altering the manufacturing language landscape.

What materials do manufacturers need translating?

A wide variety of materials are usually required. These include operator and maintenance manuals, MSDS sheets, and health and safety information. More general business documents, contracts and internal policies may also be required. With manufacturers increasingly reviewing their sustainability policies, this information also needs to be extended to their supply chains and made available in multiple languages.

For external use, user manuals and marketing materials for products may be required. One specialist area is manufacturing website translation which not only needs to be user-friendly but also optimised for search engines. Having a multilingual manufacturing website can help to promote a manufacturer’s presence in global export markets. This is especially important in the current climate, as the UK continues to finalise the details of its potential trade agreement with the EU.

Why is manufacturing translation challenging?

Poorly translated manufacturing materials could mean machinery is not used correctly and doesn’t perform well. Even worse, key safety information could be misunderstood, with significant implications for both user and business.

Manufacturing language is highly technical and often very specific. As discussed in previous blogs, specialist terms may not translate easily and make immediate sense in the local market. Different markets may also have their own regulations and requirements for MSDS and similar information. This means your translation provider not only needs to understand the technical terminology, but also be familiar with local market guidance.

How would Albion Languages handle your manufacturing translations?

As a leading manufacturing translation company, we have a team of manufacturing translation experts. Our project managers would get to know your business and create and maintain a glossary of relevant key terms that can be referred to throughout the translation process. Your team of translators would be selected based on proven, real-world experience in your sector.

To find out more about manufacturing translation, please contact our technical translation experts today!