With so many businesses taking advantage of an ever more interconnected world, international marketing is rapidly becoming a focus for not only the biggest players but for all. This dynamic and exciting way of reaching a larger audience is now open to almost any company wishing to test the waters with their product or service.
Translation is usually viewed as merely a first step into new markets, with many relying on the localisation of their current website to drive sales in new language markets in the same way as their original website did at local market level. Unfortunately, such efforts can fall short in making a significant impact on the new market and ultimately lead to disappointment. In fact, there are many other areas too in which localisation can be an invaluable partner in implementing your international marketing strategy.
Market Research
Before any localisation takes place, two things must be known; what you want to say and who you want to say it to. This means that you need to know more about your intended target audience and how your brand and marketing tactics will resonate with this new demographic. Language is just one aspect of how consumers interact with brands; cultural nuances are also vital.
International market research requires the assistance of a highly skilled team of translators who can take your research questions and translate them so they make sense to your target audience and the results can be compiled to ideally position your business with a tailored and localised strategy for your expanding marketing efforts. After all, without an understanding of your prospective, unique local and language markets, it will be difficult to predict how they may respond to your marketing strategy, or indeed, your business as a whole.
Brand Identity and Cultural Relevance
So, you’ve worked hard to cultivate your brand at home, to gain recognition from your consumer base and develop those foundations of trust with your customers. No-one wants all of their hard work to fail to bear fruit due to international expansion plans that don’t take into full consideration how the brand image will be perceived in a new market.
It might be amusing to consider Burger King’s PooPoo Smoothie in China, which was in fact just a mango smoothie with a Chinese product name, but it highlights the need to ensure that your brand name, slogans, and even logos are assessed for relevance in each of your intended language markets. Many companies embark on a rebranding process to create a market-savvy, consumer-focused marketing strategy for reaching out to new regions and language markets. Not only can localisation providers help you to avoid embarrassing faux pas, but proper localisation of your brand image could also spell the difference between the success and relative failure of your venture into the competitive world of international trade.
Social Media and Customer Relations
In our digital age, communication is naturally key. The difference between customer loyalty and apathy can depend on how effectively you listen and interact with your target market. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter have offered a previously unknown opportunity for real-time connection between customers, potential consumers, and brands.
This is surely a great way to get your message out, but you need to communicate directly to each new regional market in a way that will arouse their interest. Having native speaking linguists available to achieve this, as well as, to handle any customer service issues, is imperative. Even something as simple as answering emails in the language they were received in, makes a significant difference to the consumer experience, which is, ultimately, what drives sales.
Translation as a Key Marketing Tool
Translation services will enhance every aspect of the implementation of your international marketing strategy. By partnering with a language service provider, you will give yourself the best possible chance to succeed. While budgeting for the added expenses of marketing to new international markets may seem daunting, the benefits can far outweigh the initial investment.
If you consider the increasing demand for services and products, the international marketplace is where any business interested in sustained commercial growth ought to be active. Localisation helps to make you look and sound your best when you get there.